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Focussing on
what really matters

A non-conventional approach in support of leadership.

We are an independent law firm, dedicated to providing legal support for the international operations and investments of foreign companies in Brazil and the internationalization of Brazilian companies, from preparation to support in the destination countries.

Our Purpose is to identify and catalyze the best business opportunities, clearing the barriers that compromise our Clients' time and energy, so that they can focus on the work that really matters: exceeding the expectations of their shareholders.

A meta-legal approach
for businesses

We are not just lawyers. We are business consultants and strategists.

Our ambition is to make the world a better place through our work and contribute to the improvement of the Brazilian business environment, positively influencing the leaders we deal with, as well as balancing, in a consistent and sustainable way, the creation of value for our clients with the creation of value for our professionals and the community.

Therefore, we completely cover the Areas of Economic Sector Law in which we operate, ― with transdisciplinary solutions and adaptable service levels ―, thanks to our community of professionals: a team of bright minds and talented young people equipped with the necessary intelligence and skills to understand new labor relations and new markets.

Our way of understanding the Legal Profession, our Brand positioning and, especially, the nature of our relationship with our Clients are exclusively validated by our Culture, according to which form and order are inseparable from the intelligence of the contents ― and necessary conditions to reveal them fully.

Profession, our Brand positioning and, especially, the nature of our relationship with our Clients are exclusively validated by our Culture, according to which form and order are inseparable from the intelligence of the contents ― and necessary conditions to reveal them fully.

We appreciate well-done and well-finished work. We imprint, in everything we do, organization and management, technical intelligence, aesthetic sensitivity and elegance. We believe in our clients and we are proud of our professionals.

We continually pursue greatness, never neglecting gentle and personal treatment and without giving up confidence and friendship.

For all this, in 2009 we formulated a summary sentence that accurately describes our Culture, shows who we are and who we want to be, our concept and positioning in the market, our passion and our approach to customers:

summary sentence that accurately describes our Culture, shows who we are and who we want to be, our concept and positioning in the market, our passion and our approach to customers:

«Having no limits for the greatest, without losing gentleness and softness for the little things.»

Committee of


Looking towards the future since 2001.

Moving towards a new Earth.

A completely new human, corporative and economic landscape.

The new markets are no longer the result of long-term transformations. They appear instantly, anywhere, in unpredictable and unimaginable ways.

Digital transformations help to establish horizontal relations between people and organizations, breaking up beliefs in ways, that no one would have imagined.

Accepting no limits, we continually experience the surprise about disruptive solutions, as well as the sparkling of new technologies and connections between people, who are reinventing customs, desires and standards.

That's why we edited our DNA to make Innovation a cornerstone of our culture.

from the inside out

We created an amazing Strategic Committee for Leadership, which enabled us to reach new levels of engagement, commitment and entrepreneurship.

This movement cleared the path for a new cycle of investment in People Development and technological infrastructure.

Then, we created a Communication Center, to further propel the spiral of change. In addition, we gathered our Junior Lawyers into a Legal Lab, to design new legal solutions.

and Identity

We believe that Innovation is possible, without undermining the integrity of our values and principles — without renouncing the legacy that brought us here.

Therefore, we open our doors and Windows, letting all currents get to us.

Nevertheless, we stand firmly on our feet.

Center for
Innovation and

Reputation and

The opinion that really matters.

Admiration and

Our Community, ex-employees and even our competitors acknowledge our Brand as beacon of excellent reputation and credibility.

We are also renown by our clients for the intelligence, with which we approach the opportunities we identify for their businesses, as well as how we guide them towards the right path.

We are proud of our team of prize-winning professionals, awarded by publishing companies and independent associations, as well as official public recognition.

However, the appreciation we get from our clients, their opinion about us and our work, is all that really matters in the end.

We are truly proud of the honors we get from them, regardless if it is in the spotlight of their annual conventions, or in the candlelight of more discreet occasions.

The light of our clients is enough for us.

Center for

«Advocacy Analysis ― The Law Firms and Lawyers in Brazil most admired by the largest companies»

Every year, the publishing house Analysis Editorial, from the city of São Paulo, runs the project «Advocacy Analysis ― The Law Firms and Lawyers in Brazil most admired by the largest companies», the largest and most relevant survey of the Brazilian legal market from the perspective of those who really have something to say: the clients.

Only the legal heads of the 2k companies with the highest net income or equity (if financial institutions) with operations in the country participate in the survey They are carefully approached in the form of spontaneous, unstimulated research, and invited to cite the name of the law firm they most admire, regardless of whether they take their services. The result is a unique picture of the legal services available in Brazil and the most qualified lawyers to provide them.

«Vaz de Almeida»

In every edition in which it was nominated, our Firm was classified as a reference among the most admired firms (overall), regardless of classification by category, number of lawyers, size, areas of practice and regions of activity in the country.

We are among the most admired Firms in the State of São Paulo in the «comprehensive Firm» category; and among the most admired boards in Brazil in the Automotive and Autoparts Sector.

Most admired Lawyers

In the same yearbook, Caio Vaz de Almeida and Amanda Pesciutti Duarte were classified among the «Most Admired Lawyers in Brazil».

«Women Advocacy» Analysis

Amanda Pesciutti Duarte also features in the specials « Women Advocacy Analysis» in two categories: by economic sector ― Automotive and Autoparts ―, and by technical competence ― Corporate Law.

«Regional Leader»

In addition to being a benchmark amongst the most admired Law Firms in Brazil, our Firm was specially qualified among the most influential and decisive of the ― highly competitive ― interior of the State of São Paulo.

Star Lawyers™

Our international clients have also nominated Dr. Caio as one of the «20 most prominent Lawyer-Entrepreneurs of Latin America», which awarded him the permanent seal of an «ACRITAS STAR™».

Center for
  • Most admired law firm 2012
  • Most admired law firm 2013
  • Most admired law firm 2015
  • Most admired law firm 2016
  • Most admired law firm 2017
  • Most admired law firm 2018
  • Most admired law firm 2021
  • Most admired law firm 2023
  • Most admired law firm 2024
  • Most admired law firm 2025
  • Most admired lawyer 2016
  • Most admired lawyer 2017
  • Most admired lawyer 2021
  • Most admired lawyer 2023
  • Most admired lawyer 2024
  • Most admired lawyer 2025
Ranking analysis regional advocacy 2021
Ranking analysis regional advocacy 2022
Ranking analysis regional advocacy 2023
Ranking analysis regional advocacy 2024
Ranking analysis regional advocacy 2022
Ranking analysis regional advocacy 2023
Ranking analysis regional advocacy 2024
Stand-out lawyer 2011
Stand-out lawyer 2023
Stand-out lawyer 2024
Análise DNA fenalaw 2022
Análise DNA fenalaw 2023
Análise DNA fenalaw 2024
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brazil-Germany.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brazil-Germany

We take part in the Brazil-Germany Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the official representative of the German economy in Brazil since 1916, whose members ― German and Brazilian companies ― are responsible for generating around 10% of the Brazilian industrial GDP.

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«ECOVIS International» «Global expertise with local faces.»

«ECOVIS International»
«Global expertise with local faces.»

ECOVIS International is a global reference in legal, tax and accounting consultancy, with emphasis on supporting the internationalization of investments and business ― from preparation in the client's country of origin to support in the country of destination.

«Right next to you, wherever you are»

Present in more than 80 countries by means of its global and interdisciplinary network of expertise, the ECOVIS network combines the breadth of its global experience with personal and local advice at adaptable service levels.

know more

Ethics and

Generating results, the right way.

Non-negotiable boundaries

Either one has integrity, or one has nothing.

Our company prides itself of the care it gives to every ethical aspect of human relations and of everyday work, ensuring that our team never crosses the line of no return.

That is why we hold the highest standard of internal demand, guaranteeing that every deal is made only for the advantages of its terms.

We do not restrain ourselves to the strict observance of Brazilian Law and the Law of the countries of origin of the corporations and investors we deal with, alone.

In addition, we follow all the indications of the «United Nations Convention against Corruption» as well as the «Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Officials in International Business Transactions» of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

We also follow the guidelines about «Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics and Compliance» (2009), as well as the «Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises » (2011), both issued by the OECD.

We believe, that doing the right thing is good for business, and that honest work strengthens the belief, that despair over the ways of the world shall not prevail.

Caio Vaz de Almeida
Founder and Managing Partner

It's a pleasure
to meet you

If you want to see our office, I can show it to you.


Here you'll find the Essentials about us and the spirit of our team. I hope you enjoy your visit.

I invite you to discover, together with our Leaders, a mew horizon of perspectives and opportunities for your business.

They are awaiting you for a personal talk, or a videoconference.

And, whenever possible, we can have a coffee together. It will be a pleasure to meet you personally.

Caio Vaz de Almeida
Founder and Managing Partner